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Heritage House

One of President R.B. Binnion’s primary complaints during his tenure was the lack of a dedicated president’s home. His successor, President Sam Whitley, shared Binnion’s sentiments. An early construction bill for a president’s home was vetoed by the state legislature. Despite the veto, land for the new home just south of the new Education Building was purchased for $4000 in 1925. During the 1927 legislative session, the legislature approved $15,000 to build the home, and the governor filed the bill. President Whitley was thrilled. In June 1927, he wrote to President Binnion, “I have actually secured an appropriation for the President’s home and this self-same item has not been vetoed by the Governor. I am going to build as fine a home as can be built with the money and equip it to some extent. Just as soon as I have it finished I am going to put a center table right in the middle of the reception room, get me a big arm chair, a .25 cent cigar, some of my old friends like yourself to help celebrate, a few pretty maids to pass the punch, and I am going to see just for one time what it feels like to rear back in a little bit of comfort and ease with the full knowledge that no living governor can veto the item.”

The home originally served three presidents, Whitley, Gee and Halladay, after which it was repurposed for office space. It later became known as Heritage House and held various departments, such as Alumni Affairs, Honors College, and Institutional Effectiveness. In fall 2016, Heritage House was once again utilized as a home for the university president when President Ray Keck and his wife, Patricia, moved in to the home. Heritage House is the only building recognized on the National Register of Historic Places.


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